На видео "Concerto For Group And Orchestra" видно, как музыканты
Deep Purple подсматривают в ноты. В то же время, ходили слухи, что
нотную грамоту в группе знал только Лорд. Где истина?
Roger Glover
(Finish magazine "Rumba", No 12.1993)
"Jon of course knew notes, so he could read the music, and I guess Paice
also undestood something about notes, but there were no use to get those
papers ahead of us others - we understood nothing about them. Jon had to
create for us own 'notes': In concert we played with notes ahead of us,
but there were no notes, but advices like 'wait for funny melody and look
what Jon is doing'. I don't think Concerto is a perfect encounter of two
musical worlds, but quite succeeded dialog anyway."