Что за инцидент произошел между Гилланом и кем-то из зрителей во время выступления
Ian Gillan Band в Осло, Норвегия?
Trond Strom, Norway t.j.strom@ub.uio.no
(alt.music.deep-purple, 21.03.94)
"On the subject of throwing things onto the stage/performers, here's a nice one,
witnessed by yours truly at Rockefeller Music Hall, Oslo in October 1990.
On stage: Ian Gillan. He's just gone through the opening tracks of "Gut
Reaction", followed by "Living for the City" and "Smoke on the Water" if
I remember correctly. He's about to introduce "Puget Sound", when some geek
in the audience throws a pint of beer right into Ian's face.
Ian looks a bit surprised, receives a towel from his keyboards-player
(whatwashisname - Tom Eire or something? Doesn't look quite right...),
tells Steve Morris to go on and start playing the intro to the song, points
at the guy who threw the beer, says "Some smart ass, eh?", and disappears
to the back of the stage.
Steve Morris keeps on laying down some slide
work, and then Ian returns with a bucket full of water in his hands. He
promptly goes to the front of the stage, and empties the bucket's contents
straight into the head of the guy who threw the beer, receiving a massive
cheer from the crowd."