Что за инцидент произошел между Блэкмором и клавишником Дэвидом
Розенталем во время записи альбома Rainbow "Straight Beetween The Eyes"
в 1982 году?
Joe Lynn Turner
(www.rockforever.com, October 2000)
"... Rosenthal and Blackmore had a little misunderstanding with regard to a
fugue-like portion of "Miss Mistreated" that David had improvised.
Apparently, Ritchie received a legal-type letter informing him that Dave
deserved some writing credit.
Shortly after, the band was having a nice, candlelit dinner in the "band house"
adjacent to LeStudio. On one end of the dining room were large glass doors.
The band was sipping wine and in the midst of the conversation, Ritchie
casually mentioned the letter to Dave and asked one of the band's
technicians to "hit the patio lights" beyond the glass doors. On the patio
was everything that Dave had previously had in his bedroom... Lamps, table,
bed, even his shoes had been neatly placed on the snow-covered patio!
This was Ritchie's "subtle" way of telling Dave how he felt about that letter!"