Правда ли, что Джон Лорд играл с легендарным Джими Хендриксом?
Jon Lord
(alt.music.deep-purple, 12.03.96)
"Yes it is true that I had a "Jam Session" with the divine Jim in or about
the Spring of 1970 at a club in New York City called "Steve Paul's Scene
Club." Jimmy used to go there almost nightly as a matter of course when
he was at home in NYC and one night I was sitting having a drink, when
he came over and re-introduced himself - we had first met in 1968 in Los
Angeles after the Cream/Deep Purple concert in Inglewood - and asked if
I would play organ for a bit of a jam. It was with Stephen Stills on bass
and Buddy Miles on drums and Dave Mason on sax.
Afterwards he asked if I'd be there the next night, and if so would I like
to do it again. I did, and it was equally enjoyable - two great and
memorable (for me at least) nights. I said goodnight and "see ya" to
him after that second night, but sadly I never saw him again."