Что за инцидент произошел с Джоном Лордом во время выступления группы Deep Purple 21 июня 1998 года в немецком
городе Гамбург?
Fedor De Lange f.delange@mail1.remote.uva.nl
(alt.music.deep-purple, 23.06.98)
"...The one that impressed me both musically and physically was Jon Lord, who
proved to be in a great shape. Great to see him play, while during Watching
the Sky something terrible happened...
А stupid drunk moron threw a glass of beer (very hard plastic) which hit Jon Lord fully on the head. Jon
immediatley layed his hands on his head and left stage. Steve's wife and
kid where at that side so they might have walked over to him as was a
roadie or security guy which I couldn't see. I was shocked. The rest of the
song completely had me numb. Little later (ending of the song) Jon showed
up again looking to the spot where the thrower must have been, and
disappeared again.
I don't know if the rest of the band had noticed the incident, but Roger Glover
was the first to walk over to Jon, while Ian was thanking the crowd enthousiastically.
(The guy who was throwing was at about the same distance as I stood; he even
pushed me out of the way while running to the exit)
Anyway, Lord came back under a loud applause from the crowd who of course
felt sorry and maybe were in a kind of shame feeling like I was."