Правда ли, что в период после ухода из Deep Purple Джо Линн Тернера и до возвращения Иэна Гиллана
в группе прослушивался какой-то другой вокалист?
Причиной подобных слухов стало интервью вокалиста группы Riot
Майка Ди Мео ( Mike DiMeo), в котором он сказал следующее:
"In 1993 Ritchie Blackmore asked me to join Deep Purple! That's the stuff that I like to sing you know.
I was supposed to sing on Deep Purple's The Battle Rages On. I had started to work on that record with
Roger Glover. I only worked with them for about three months before BMG pulled the plug. They decided
they wanted Ian Gillan to do the 25th anniversary. I have those same songs on a CD with me singing on them."
За разъяснениями пришлось обратиться к Роджеру Гловеру, который рассказал нам следующее:
Roger Glover
(18.11.02, www.deep-purple.ru)
"I am not sure if it is the same guy but sometime before 1993 (which is when
IG came back into the band) RB did want to try out a singer and he and I
went into a studio (in Norwalk, Connecticut) to see what he sounded like. I
wrote a few lyrics and he sang over the backing track to what would later be
called 'One Man's Meat'. It was called '24 Hours' and although it was OK,
it wasn't too great. At least I wasn't convinced enough to pursue it any
further. RB really liked him however. I didn't know that he was in Quiet
Riot and I don't know what was said between them. I never heard about him
again, until now.
(I still have the tape somewhere, so there's no danger of it ever being