20.10.00, Madrid, Spain
Alberto,, 22.10.00
Very good concert of DP and the Rumanian Orchestra (as they are introduced).
The set list was exactly as previous concerts but they did not played the second
movement (which was reallly a pity). The orchestra played very well and I noticed
that they played the concert more "heavy" than the recordings, and sounded prettty
well. Maybe they do it like that to avoid soft passages and to avoid people
screaming "SOTW". Happily we had not this problem in Madrid.
The band was great but my only complain is Mr Morse does not care of what
he's playing, Fools, the concerto, PS, When a blind man cries... he always
plays the same solo, which is very frustrating as not all songs need the
same swep picking all over the song. But overall it was very very good.
PS: When Dio entered the stage 1st time he carried a hat and sound glasses
that passed to Paul Mann and the band played a bit of Soul Man with Dio
singing. Mr Mann really looked like Elwood Blues, hahaha.